Which is the Most Used Social Media Platform in Turkey? Social media applications are part of our lives. detailed information

Which is the Most Used Social Media Platform in Turkey?

Social media applications have become an indispensable part of our lives. We spend long hours on social media platforms during the day. As such, both big brands and small businesses are trying to exist on social media platforms to reach their customers. So, which is the most used social media platform in our country? Social Media and Digital Security Education Research Center President Prof. Dr. Levent Eraslan shared his research data with the public. Sahne Medya, your first choice for Social Media advertisements, Social Media Consultancy and account management, has shared the most widely used social media platforms in our country for you.

Instagram is at its peak with more than 40 million users

Instagram is at the top of the list. Instagram platform owned by Meta company appeals to more than 40 million users in Turkey. Looking at the statistics, people spend an average of 21 hours a month on the Instagram application.

WhatsApp comes in second place

Even though it has attracted criticism in recent years, the time we spend on WhatsApp, the instant messaging application that is still used by everyone, is an average of 11 hours per month. Prof. Dr. According to Levent Eraslan, the time spent by 80 percent of the country’s population on social media is above normal.

Instagram and WhatsApp are followed by YouTube and Twitter. Turkey is the 15th country in the world that spends the most time on social media.

Threads Flashed and Faded

Referring to new social media platforms, Eraslan said that Threads, developed as an alternative to Twitter, aroused great interest at first, but faded over time. It was thought that the reactions to Twitter and Elon Musk would grow Threads, but we saw that people cannot abandon their digital habits that easily. Twitter increased its user numbers despite name and logo changes. People who opened Threads accounts did not leave Twitter. In other words, digital migration is not as fast as expected and people do not give up their digital habits easily.

Artificial Intelligence Will Have Major Impacts on Social Media

Artificial intelligence and Metaverse systems will also affect our social media habits. Using artificial intelligence robots as assistants is an increasingly common habit. Meta continues its investments to develop features integrated with Twitter, YouTube and TikTok artificial intelligence systems. Follow us to continue receiving news from the future with Sahne Medya, your closest solution partner in the digital world.

Stage Media

Stage Media

08-08-2023 11:26:32

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