Instagram Activates Fundraising Feature

Instagram Users Will Be Able to Collect Money from the Application!

Facebook, which has been working on a feature that will allow fundraising for a while, is activating this feature on Instagram. With this feature, which will be similar to YouTube and Twitch, people will be able to collect donations to meet certain conditions.

With this feature, Instagram users will be able to collect donations for themselves, their businesses, their friends or a cause they deem important through the application. However, the donations collected will be used only for charity purposes. However, in order to benefit from this feature of Instagram, many more conditions must be met.


First of all, the personal fundraising feature will not be available to all users and they will be required to be 18 years of age. In addition, each request will be checked and the purpose of collecting money will be evaluated, and then permission will be given whether to collect donations or not. If allowed, users will be able to collect money for 30 days. This period may be extended if necessary.


To enable the fundraising feature, click ' from the settings section of Instagram's iOS or Android app.Individual FundraisingIt will be enough to turn on the ' feature. However, this feature has not yet been activated for Türkiye. It seems difficult for this feature to be active in Turkey, both legally and because Stripe, with which Facebook collaborates in fundraising, is not available in Turkey.

The fundraising feature will be tested in the US, UK and Ireland for now. Once the testing process is completed, the personal fundraising feature is expected to be activated in other countries.

Stage Media

Stage Media

01-01-1970 02:00:00

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